Mittwoch, 26. September 2012



My reaction:

Prayer of a African Woman

Liest es mit einem afrikanischeN Akzent :D

Flat Twist Updo

Locs updo

Big 'Fro


WAX Dress

jae,Men With Locs

Age: 25
From: Philadelphia
What made you decide to loc your hair?
“I got tired of the braids…you know the cornrow era I actually wanted to do something different besides getting my hair cut. It was a new experience and I wanted to try a new look.”
How long have you had your locs?
“About 3 and a half going on 4 years….”
Where do you go for your loc maintenance?
“Well I got 2 personal people that I use, but unfortunately I had to learn it on my own it started to get real expensive..”
What is your favorite product to use in your locs?
“Organic Root Stimulator” 
Any tips for guys thinking about locing their hair?
“Keep it clean, stay consistent wit it and you gotta be patient cause its not gonna happen overnight unless you buy the extensions..(laughs)”
What would you call your style?
“I’m more so a fitted guy, tshirt, tank top kinda laid back. I also have a side where I like to get dressed up. Wear a button down roll the sleeves up nice pair of slacks nice shoes you know something business style….”
What is your favorite fashion trend?
“V necks. They have been my ultimate thing right now.
Who are your style influences?
“Old school Kanye and Pharell”
What is 1 thing every man should have in their closet?
“A nice button up”

Dienstag, 25. September 2012

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Montag, 24. September 2012


2000  Seitenaufrufe in fast einem Monat :D
Danke liebe Zuschauer !!!!!!!

Beautiful cornrows updo

Ist sie nicht süss

Kaufen.Lesen.Verstehen :)

Things african parents say!

Ich habs einfach nciht drauf..

Wie es aussehen sollte

Wie es bei mir aussieht

Looong locks

Möchte gerne mal gucken was alles da drinne steht

Schööön fleissig lernen :D

take a stand for Afrika

Ich wen ich zu faul bin.

Natural couple

Exactly !!

Idriss Elba, THE Man

mens wear by laduma ngxokolo

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African Fabrik bow
